BATTLE FOR AZEROTH UPDATE 2018/07/15 – See the Battle for Azeroth and 8.0 version: WeakAuras 2: Exports for Hunters – Battle for Azeroth and Patch 8.0
WeakAuras for hunters updated for patch 7.3!
- They will only load on hunters and in the appropriate specs.
- These auras are localized and will work for all languages!
- Extra media used through SharedMedia:
- Font: Tw Cent MT Bold (Added via MyMedia, Read “INSTRUCTIONS for MyMedia.txt”)
- Bar texture: BantoBar

2017/10/22 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.23 – Live 7.3.0
BIG overhaul of the Marksman auras.
Marksman Abilities
- Marked Shot – Will now show up whenever it’s available, even if Vulnerable is on the target.
- Marked Shot – Will not glow if Windburst is available.
- Marked Shot – Will glow if Vulnerable is not on the target or only has 1.5 seconds left.
- Windburst – Now glows whenever it is available. Better to cast it sooner than wait for Vulnerable to fall off.
- Piercing Shot – Will now show up whenever it’s available, even if Vulnerable is not on the target.
Focus Use
- Aimed Shot Vulnerable glow changed to disappear at 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds.
- Arcane Shot will now show up and glow if you have less than 49 Focus. Also now glows below 70 focus and when Vulnerable is not on the target.
- Added Marking Targets Ready beside Arcane shot to show when you have the Marking Targets buff and Windburst is on cooldown.
- Added timer sweep to Lock and Load.
Active Buffs
- Moved Vulnerable to top of the list and have it stay visible at all times. Now is desaturated and glowing when it’s not up.
- Added a faded out Mend Pet icon that shows if your pet has less than 80% health and Mend Pet is not active.
2017/10/10 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.23 – Live 7.3.0
Marksman Abilities
- Changed Marked Shot to glow on 70+ focus and Vulnerable can be refreshed. Will only show when you cannot cast another Aimed Shot inside that Vulnerable. Removed Patient Sniper glow.
- Changed Windburst to glow if Vulnerable is not on the target or you cannot cast another Aimed Shot inside the current Vulnerable.
- Changed Sidewinders to glow at 2 stacks and at 1 stack when you cannot cast another Aimed Shot inside that Vulnerable, you have a Marking Targets proc, and you have more than 47 focus.
Survival Abilities
- Fury of the Eagle now glows at 6 stacks instead of 5.
- Lacerate now glows when it is not on the target or is falling off in 3 seconds.
- Added Aspect of the Eagle Glow – Glows when you have 0-1 stacks of Mongoose Bite remaining and Mongoose Fury has more than 2 seconds left.
Focus Use
- Added Raptor Strike Maintain Serpent Sting – Raptor Strike glows when Serpent Sting is not on the target or is falling off in 3 seconds.
- Changed Sidewinders to Never Load since it is not being used for Focus regen.
- Added Arcane Shot Low Focus – Below 95 focus and Marked Shot is not available.
- Added Arcane Shot Marking Targets Ready – Below 70 focus and glows when Marking Targets is active to activate Marked Shot.
- Changed Aimed Shot and Vulnerable – Will glow when Vulnerable is on the target and you can cast Aimed Shot before Vulnerable falls off.
- Removed Aimed Shot with Patient Sniper.
2017/09/06 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.21 – Live 7.3.0
Active Buffs
- Removed talent restriction on MM T20 set bonuses. Was there by mistake.
2017/08/28 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.17 – Live 7.2.5
Active Buffs
- Disabled BM Tier 20 4 pc and Roar of the Seven Lions from loading. Unnecessary clutter. You can re-enable them if you want.
- Fixed description of Dire Beast aura to not say Sneaky Snakes.
2017/07/27 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.16 – LIVE 7.2.5
BM Abilites
- Killer Cobra assistant – Added glows to recommend when to hit Dire Beast, Kill Command, and Cobra Shot (in Focus Use set) during Bestial Wrath when you have the Killer Cobra talent.
Focus Use
- Added Parsel’s Tongue tracker next to Cobra Shot. It will glow when the buff is about to fall off. Most of the time your general rotation should keep the buff up, but this will help ensure that it doesn’t fall off.
- Killer Cobra assistant – Added glows to recommend when to hit Dire Beast (in BM Abilities set), Kill Command (in BM Abilities set), and Cobra Shot during Bestial Wrath when you have the Killer Cobra talent.
2017/07/18 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.14 – Live 7.2.5
Active Buffs
- Added a % display to Bestial Wrath to show your current damage increase. This works automatically with Beast Mastery’s Tier 20 2 piece set bonus.
- Updated Butcher’s Bone Apron and War Belt of the Sentinel buff trackers to use Full Scan instead of custom code for their percentage text.
2017/06/19 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.3 – LIVE 7.2.5
BM Abilities
- Added a check to see if you have the Bestial Wrath buff to keep you from accidentally clipping if it comes available before your current one ends.
- Created separate aura for Titan’s Thunder’s glow. Should behave more reasonably now and show up whenever you summon a Dire Beast. It also has a sweep to show when the 2 second window will end.
2017/06/12 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.2-29-g6045607 – PTR 7.2.5
- Localized ALL auras. Can be used on any language client now!
- Added in-game descriptions to the WeakAura groups so you can see the last updated date when glancing at it.
- Added in-game descriptions to individual WeakAuras to match the descriptions here.
Active Buffs
- Added Roar of the Seven Lions.
- Added Sneaky Snakes.
- Added second Titan’s Thunder buff that pet gets when you have the Dire Frenzy talent.
- Added Aspect of the Chameleon.
- Added Aspect of the Skylord.
- Added Lock and Load.
- Added The Mantle of Command.
- Added Unseen Predator’s Cloak.
- Added Celerity of the Windrunners.
- Added Parsel’s Tongue.
- Added Tier 20 Beast Mastery 4 piece buff.
- Added Tier 20 Marksmanship 2 piece buff.
- Added Tier 20 Marksmanship 4 piece buff.
- Added a trigger to A Murder of Crows so that it will disappear if your target does not have the debuff.
- Limited Misdirection to MM and BM only.
- Fixed Dire Beast counter to not include Sneaky Snakes and to now count correctly if you have the Way of the Cobra talent.
- Removed Item Equipped trigger from Titan’s Thunder and Fury of the Eagle.
- Removed SV-Artifact-Fury of the Eagle Channel Active, it wasn’t useful and couldn’t be easily localized.
BM Abilities
- Removed HasPet condition from Dire Beast.
- Removed The Mantle of Command triggers from Dire Beast and Dire Frenzy auras due to the charges going baseline.
Focus Use
- Removed Cobra Shot with Dire Frenzy as Dire Beast and Dire Frenzy now work the same in regards to Focus.
2017/05/02 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.4.1-5-gc3aa41d – Live 7.2
New Video, new images, added GIFs.
BM Abilities
- Cut number of auras in half by using the new Conditions feature.
- Renamed auras to just Spec-Spell Name.
- Changed Bestial Wrath’s cooldown timer to show up at 6 seconds to help prevent premature casting of Dire Frenzy or Dire Beast.
- Changed Aspect of the Wild’s, Titan’s Thunder, and Stampede’s cooldown timers to show up at 6 seconds for better planning.
- Increased size of progress timer text from 14 to 24.
- Dire Frenzy and Dire Beast now glow if you have The Mantle of Command equipped and 2 stacks available.
- Dire Frenzy and Dire Beast stack count is now hidden if you do not have The Mantle of Command equipped.
- Titan’s Thunder will glow if Dire Beast is active and has more than 6 seconds left.
- If you have The Mantle of Command, Dire Frenzy has a progress bar behind it to help you maintain 3 stacks for as long as possible.
MM Abilities
- Cut number of auras in half by using the new Conditions feature.
- Renamed auras to just Spec-Spell Name.
- Changed Windburst (without Patient Sniper), Trueshot, and Sentinel’s cooldown timers to show up at 6 seconds for better planning.
- Increased size of progress timer text from 14 to 24.
- Sidewinders aura Glows when Marking Targets is active.
- Piercing Shot only shows when Vulnerable is up and Glows when at 100 or more Focus.
- Marked Shot now shows sweep of the target’s Hunter’s Mark duration.
- If you have the Patient Sniper talent, Marked Shot and Windburst will glow when Vulnerable is not up or only has 1.5 seconds left.
SV Abilities
- Cut number of auras in half by using the new Conditions feature.
- Combined Mongoose Bite set into default abilities set. No more need for 6 auras with Conditions! Only 2 now, the icon and the progress bar.
- Renamed auras to just Spec-Spell Name.
- Changed Fury of the Eagle, Aspect of the Eagle, Snake Hunter, and Spitting Cobra cooldown timers to show up at 6 seconds for better planning.
- Increased size of progress timer text from 14 to 24.
- Mongoose Bite now glows at 3 stacks.
- Mongoose Fury progress bar now shows stacks and time.
- Made spacing better to be more circular again, less triangular.
- Moved Spitting Cobra, Dragonsfire Grenade, Throwing Axes, Lacerate, and Flanking Strike.
- Added Caltrops/Steel Trap below Flanking Strike and above Dragonsfire Grenade.
- Added Butchery.
SV Abilities-Mongoose: Removed, combined into SV Abilities.
Focus Use
- Combined Sidewinders auras using Conditions.
- Added Arcane Shot aura that glows when Marking Targets is active.
- Changed Aimed Shot Focus Dump from 50 to 95 focus.
- Changed Arcane Shot Low Focus from 50 to 80 focus.
- There are now two Aimed Shot + Vulnerable auras. One for each of the two current rotations (Meme and Trick Shot).
- Added Way of the Mok’Nathal tracker that glows when the buff is about to fall off.
Active Buffs
- Rearranged buffs to be more with others of their spec.
- Cleaned up names to be more consistent.
- Added Trueshot.
- Added Rapid Killing.
- Added On the Trail.
- Added Bullseye.
- Added Wingclip.
- Added Caltrops.
- Added Steel Trap.
- Added buffs/debuffs from hunter legendaries: The Shadow Hunter’s Voodoo Mask, War Belt of the Sentinel Army, MKII Gyroscopic Stabalizer, Butcher’s Bone Apron, and Helbrine, Rope of the Mist Marauder.
2017/02/20 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.1.5
- SV Abilities: Fixed export string.
- SV Abilities-Mongoose: Fixed export string.
2017/02/13 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.1.5
- Quality of life updates for 7.1.5 Beast Mastery.
- Active Buffs: BM – Added Dire Frenzy.
- Active Buffs: BM – Added counter to Dire Beast to track how many Dire Beasts are active. (Using code from Krazyito.)
- Active Buffs: BM – Combined auras that had 2 auras for stacks and progress into one each (Mok’Nathal Tactics, True Aim, Mongoose Fury).
- BM Abilities: Added charge count to Dire Beast and Dire Frenzy. This will show 1 for almost everyone, but if you have The Mantle of Command legendary it will be more useful.
- Focus Use: Added a new Cobra Shot recommendation for when you have Dire Frenzy. Recommends using Cobra Shot if you are at or below 60 Focus.
2017/01/09 – WeakAuras2 Version – PTR 7.1.5
- Active Buffs: BM/SV – Added Aspect of the Beast buffs/debuffs.
- Active Buffs: SV – Removed obsolete Animal Instinct buffs.
- Active Buffs: MM – Added Hunter’s Mark on target.
- Warnings: Cleaned up triggers on No Pet/Pet Dead auras.
- All: Cleaned up triggers to remove unnecessary status conditions (Vehicle, Alive).
- All: Removed unnecessary triggers.
- All: Re-exported.
2016/10/14 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Active Buffs: Moved Volley to the top of the list so it stays in the same location when it is active.
- Active Buffs: Added Mongoose Fury Stacks
- Active Buffs: Removed swipe from Mongoose Fury Progress
2016/10/01 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Active Buffs: Added Volley
- Added weakauras.online links.
- Changed embeds to wago.io.
2016/08/08 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Focus Use: Actually removed several duplicate Sidewinders auras
- Active Buffs: Added SV Artifact ability
- Active Buffs: Added BM Artifact ability
- Re-exported all aura sets.
2016/07/26 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Focus Use: Removed several Sidewinders auras
- Abilities MM: Added Sidewinders
- Abilities MM: Moved Piercing Shot and Barrage/A Murder of Crows
- Abilities SV-Mongoose: Desaturated 1 & 2
2016/07/25 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Updated all images
- Active Buffs: Removed Source Name from Stampede
- Focus Use: Removed Chimaera Shot
- Focus Use: Removed Spitting Cobra
- Focus Use: Changed Cobra Shot to be Greater than or Equal to 90 focus
- Abilities BM: Moved Barrage/Murder of Crows
- Abilities BM: Moved Stampede
- Abilities BM: Moved Aspect of the Wild
- Abilities BM: Moved Bestial Wrath
- Abilities BM: Added Chimaera Shot
- Abilities BM: Rearranged all auras to be circular/symmetrical
- Abilities MM: Flipped Piercing Shot and Barrage/A Murder of Crows positions
- Abilities SV: Removed Sticky Bomb
- Abilities SV: Removed Mongoose Bite Almost
- Abilities SV: Rearranged all auras to be more circular/symmetrical
- Abilities SV: Added Spitting Cobra
- Abilities SV: Split Mongoose auras into their own group
- Abilities SV-Mongoose: Created
2016/07/24 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Active Buffs: Added MM-Trick Shot Talent
- Active Buffs: Fix MM-True Aim load to correct talent and rename to 30.
- Active Buffs: Moved MM-Steady Focus higher in priority
- Focus Use: Added MM-Aimed Shot Target Vulnerable Ready
- Focus Use: Added MM-Sidewinders Low Focus Almost
- Focus Use: Added MM-Sidewinders + Marking Targets Buff Almost
- Focus Use: Added MM-Sidewinders + Marking Targets Buff
- Focus Use: Added MM-Sidewinders 2 Charges Almost
- Focus Use: Added MM-Sidewinders 2 Charges
- Abilities SV: Added Mongoose Fury Progress Bar
- Abilities SV: Added Mongoose Fury Progress Bar Almost
- Abilities SV: Added Mongoose Bite Almost
- Abilities SV: Added Mongoose Bite Recharge
- Abilities SV: Changed saturation and opacity of Mongoose Bite 1 and 2.
- Warnings: Changed Counter Shot Interrupt to BM/MM only.
- Warnings: Added Muzzle Interrupt for Survival.
2016/07/23 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Abilities SV: Added Explosive Trap.
- Active Buffs: Added Explosive Trap.
- Active Buffs: Added “Own Only” to Triggers for Lacerate, Serpent Sting, Dragonsfire Grenade, and Sticky Bomb.
2016/07/20 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Active Buffs: Re-exported.
2016/07/20 – WeakAuras2 Version – Live 7.0.3
- Active Buffs: Updated multiple talents to correct labels and loading criteria.
- Active Buffs: Removed MM-Heightened Vulnerability aura.
- Active Buffs: Removed Source Name from all A Murder of Crows auras.
- Focus Use: Lock & Load-Renamed to level 30 and updated loading criteria.
- Abilities BM: Desaturated A Murder of Crows Almost.
- Abilities MM: Explosive Shot-Renamed to level 60 and updated loading criteria. Move to share location with Sentinel.
- Abilities MM: Heightened Vulnerability-Renamed to Sentinel and updated loading criteria.
- Abilities MM: Head Shot-Renamed to Piercing Shot.
- Abilities SV: A Murder of Crows-Renamed to level 30 and updated loading criteria. Moved location.
- Abilities SV: Snake Hunter-Renamed to level 30 and updated loading criteria. Moved location.
- Abilities SV: Dragonsfire Grenade-Renamed to level 90 and updated loading criteria. Moved location.
- Abilities SV: Added Sticky Bomb.
2016/05/15 – WeakAuras2 Version 7.0 – Beta
- Initial Survival export.
- Focus Use: MM-Sidewinders aura was missing Power Type checkbox.
- Focus Use: Added “Talent##” label to aura names.
- Active Buffs: Added Talent levels to aura names.
2016/05/14 – WeakAuras2 Version 7.0 – Beta
- All: Re-exported all sets for 7.0 version of WeakAuras.
- All except Active Buffs: Increased font sizes slightly.
- Abilities MM: Marked Shot Almost aura removed. Does not have a cooldown, but relies on other shots to be used.
- Abilities BM & MM: Volley auras removed. Cooldown is shorter than how long it lasts, it would almost always be on the screen (if you had enough Focus).
- Abilities BM: Dire Beast Focus trigger removed. Aura will now show if ready at any Focus level.
- Abilities BM: Dire Beast trigger “Having Pet (Alive)” checked in Conditions trigger.
- Abilities BM: Dire Beast aura set to load only if you don’t have Dire Frenzy talent.
- Abilities BM: Dire Frenzy auras added.
- Focus Use: Rearranged shot triggers on Chimaera Shot, Sidewinders, and Cobra Shot to prioritize spell name over Power type. Putting Spell triggers first allows using the text to show stacks and other spell related text.
2016/05/14 – WeakAuras2 Version – Beta
- Abilities BM: Dire Beast set to show at 80% Focus or less.
- Abilities MM: Removed Focus-based Trigger and “Having Pet” Condition from many abilites (mistakenly added).
- Abilities MM: Bursting Shot removed.
- Abilities MM: Heightened Vulnerability moved.
- Active Buffs: MM-True Aim split stacks and progress into two different auras.
- Active Buffs: MM-Added Vulnerable tracker.
- Focus Use: MM-Sidewinders stacks displayed.
- Focus Use: MM-Sidewinders set to show at 35 Focus or less.
- Focus Use: MM-Arcane Shot set to show at 50 Focus or less.
- Focus Use: MM-Arcane Shot set to show at 50 focus or more.
2016/05/12 – WeakAuras2 Version – Beta
- Created post with initial Beast Mastery and Marksman exports. Survival in progress.
How To
Beast Mastery Abilities
- Titan’s Thunder (Artifact Weapon) – Glows when you have more than 6 seconds left on an active Dire Beast.
- Aspect of the Wild
- Bestial Wrath
- Kill Command – Glows when you have the Killer Cobra talent and Kill Command is usable during Bestial Wrath.
- Dire Beast – Glows at 2 stacks. Also when you have the Killer Cobra talent – Glows when Dire Beast is usable during Bestial Wrath.
- Dire Frenzy (Talent) – Glows at 2 stacks. Also when you have the Killer Cobra talent – Glows when Dire Frenzy is ready and your pet’s Dire Frenzy buff has less than 2 seconds left during Bestial Wrath.
- Dire Frenzy Stack Progress (Talent) – Progress bar behind Dire Frenzy that helps you keep up the buff for as long as possible. Cast Dire Frenzy when it is almost empty to refresh the buff.
- Chimaera Shot (Talent)
- Barrage / A Murder of Crows (Talent)
- Stampede (Talent)
See Focus Use for Cobra Shot auras.
Marksman Abilities
- Windburst (Artifact Weapon) – Glows when ready.
- Trueshot
- Marked Shot – Glows when you have more than 70 focus and Vulnerable can be refreshed. Will not glow if Windburst is available or there are less than 1.5 seconds left on Vulnerable.
- Explosive Shot / Sentinel (Talent)
- Black Arrow (Talent)
- Piercing Shot (Talent) – Glows if you have 100 or more focus.
- Sidewinders (Talent) – Glows at 2 stacks and at 1 stack when you cannot cast another Aimed Shot inside that Vulnerable, you have a Marking Targets proc, and you have more than 47 focus.
- Barrage / A Murder of Crows (Talent)
See Focus Use for Arcane Shot, Aimed Shot, and Lock and Load auras.
Survival Abilities
- Fury of the Eagle (Artifact Weapon) – Will glow when you have 6 or more stacks of Mongoose Fury.
- Mongoose Bite – Glows when you have 3 charges.
- Mongoose Fury Progress bar – Progress bar behind Mongoose Bite that helps you keep track of the remaining stacks and time on the buff.
- Aspect of the Eagle – Glows when you have 0-1 stacks of Mongoose Bite remaining and Mongoose Fury has more than 2 seconds left.
- Flanking Strike – Glows if you have 0 charges of Mongoose Bite.
- Lacerate – Glows when Lacerate is not on the target or is falling off in 3 seconds.
- Explosive Trap
- Caltrops / Steel Trap (Talent)
- Butchery / Dragonsfire Grenade (Talent)
- A Murder of Crows / Snake Hunter (Talent)
- Spitting Cobra (Talent)
- Throwing Axes (Talent)
See Focus Use for Raptor Strike, Way of the Mok’Nathal, and Serpent Sting tracking.
Focus Use
Marksmen – I HIGHLY RECOMMEND also using the Vulnerable tracker by Asakawa.
- Sidewinders (Marksman-Talent) – Below 35 focus. – Set to Never load by default.
- Arcane Shot (Marksman) – Below 95 focus. Glows below 49 focus or below 70 focus and when Vulnerable is not on the target.
- Marking Targets (Marksman) – When you have the Marking Targets buff and Windburst is on cooldown.
- Focus bar
- Cobra Shot (Beast Mastery) – Above 90 focus.
- Cobra Shot (Beast Mastery) with Killer Cobra (Talent) – Glows during Bestial Wrath when Kill Command is not ready.
- Parsel’s Tongue (Beast Mastery-Legendary) – Displays the stacks of the Parsel’s Tongue buff and glows if you need to cast Cobra Shot to apply the buff. Also glows if the duration of the buff falls below 3 seconds and you need to refresh it.
- Aimed Shot (Marksman) – Above 95 focus or will glow when Vulnerable is on the target. Disappears when only 1.5 seconds are left.
- Lock and Load (Marksman-Talent)
- Raptor Strike (Survival) – Above 70% focus.
- Raptor Strike/Serpent Sting (Survival-Talent) – Raptor Strike glows when Serpent Sting is not on the target or is falling off in 3 seconds.
- Raptor Strike/Way of the Mok’Nathal (Survival-Talent) – Displays the stacks of the Mok’Nathal Tactics buff and glows if you need to cast Raptor Strike to apply the buff. Also glows if the duration of the buff falls below 3 seconds and you need to refresh it.
- Heal Pet – Flashes when pet is under 80% health and Mend Pet is not active.
- Pet Dead (Beast Mastery/Survival) – Plays Wilhelm Scream if pet dies.
- Pet Dead (Marksman) – Plays Wilhelm Scream if pet dies. Disabled if you have Lone Wolf talent.
- No Pet (Beast Mastery/Survival)
- No Pet (Marksman) – Disabled if you have the Lone Wolf talent.
- Counter Shot (Beast Mastery/Marksman) – Usable to interrupt and the target is casting an interruptable spell.
- Muzzle (Survival) – Usable to interrupt and the target is casting an interruptable spell.
Active Buffs
These are tracking auras for procs that give you buffs or timers for abilities that you activate.
They are shifted to the right because they pair up with WeakAuras 2: Exports for All Classes and Engineers – Legion.
- Vulnerable target debuff (Marksman) – Always visible. Glows when debuff is not active.
- Volley (Beast Mastery/Marksman-Talent)
- Trueshot (Marksman)
- Rapid Killing (Marksman-Artifact)
- Steady Focus (Marksman-Talent)
- Tier 20 2 piece set bonus (2 piece) (Marksman-Tier 20)
- Tier 20 4 piece set bonus (Marksman-Tier 20)
- Hunter’s Mark target debuff (Marksman)
- True Aim (Marksman-Talent)
- Lock and Load (Marksman-Talent)
- War Belt of the Sentinel Army (Marksman-Legendary)
- Bullseye (Marksman-Artifact)
- MKII Gyroscopic Stabalizer (Marksman-Legendary)
- Bombardment (Marksman)
- Marking Targets (Marksman)
- Celerity of the Windrunners (Marksman-Legendary)
- Black Arrow (Marksman-Talent)
- Trick Shot (Marksman-Talent)
- Beast Cleave (Beast Mastery)
- Parsel’s Tongue (Beast Mastery-Legendary)
- Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) – Includes a percentage display that works automatically with Tier 20 2 piece set bonus from Wildstalker Armor.
- Tier 20 4 piece set bonus (Beast Mastery-Tier 20) – Set to Never load by default.
- Roar of the Seven Lions (Beast Mastery-Legendary) – Set to Never load by default.
- Aspect of the Wild (Beast Mastery)
- Dire Beast (Beast Mastery)
- Sneaky Snakes from Cobra Commander (Beast Mastery-Artifact Weapon)
- Dire Frenzy pet buff (Beast Mastery-Talent)
- Titan’s Thunder (Beast Mastery-Artifact Weapon)
- Titan’s Thunder with Dire Frenzy (Beast Mastery-Artifact Weapon)
- The Mantle of Command (Beast Mastery-Legendary)
- Stampede (Beast Mastery-Talent)
- A Murder of Crows target debuff (Beast Mastery/Marksman-Talent)
- Mongoose Fury (Survival)
- Aspect of the Eagle (Survival)
- Aspect of the Skylord (Survival-Artifact Weapon)
- Mok’Nathal Tactics (Survival-Talent)
- Helbrine, Rope of the Mist Marauder target debuff (Survival-Legendary)
- On the Trail target debuff (Survival-Artifact Weapon)
- Lacerate target debuff (Survival)
- Explosive Trap target debuff (Survial)
- Caltrops / Steel Trap target debuff (Survival-Talent)
- Serpent Sting target debuff (Survival-Talent)
- Wing Clip debuff (Survival)
- A Murder of Crows debuff (Survival-Talent)
- Butcher’s Bone Apron (Survival-Legendary)
- Spitting Cobra (Survival-Talent)
- Dragonsfire Grenade target debuff (Survival-Talent)
- Sticky Bomb target debuff (Survival-Talent)
- Bestial Ferocity (Beast Mastery/Survival-Talent)
- Bestial Tenacity (Beast Mastery/Survival-Talent)
- Bestial Cunning (Beast Mastery/Survival-Talent)
- Mend Pet
- Misdirection (Beast Mastery/Marksman)
- Aspect of the Cheetah
- Aspect of the Chameleon
- Posthaste (Talent)
- Aspect of the Turtle
- The Shadow Hunter’s Voodoo Mask (Legendary)
- Camouflage (Marksman/Survival-Talent)
Found a bug with T20 buffs: They are only shown when Steady Focus is selected. Probably due to copy pasting :)
Thanks Griffin! You’re right, it was a copy and paste error. Fixed and uploaded the new version!
Thank you Adele! Your set up is just awesome :)
this is the best hunter wa thank you so much for sharing !!!!
Very happy to hear that you like them sanj!
Hey good work dude. But I cant copy the active buff WA code. Can you fix it please ?
Hey Alex, I’m not sure why you would have that problem. Could you not click the Copy button or was the box entirely missing?
Refreshing the page should probably fix it. I made a small adjustment to the spacing too, but I’m not sure that would make any difference.
mine for some reason just will not glow on any char i am using any idea? they do everything else just not glow.
Do you have the most recent version of WeakAuras? (2.4.6)
Do you have the June 19th version of BM Abilities and June 12th version of all of the other groups? (Mouse over the group and look at the yellow note.)
It is not obvious why the Mac is ignoring the newline. For the moment I have just removed it so I get the stack number in front of the READY display.
Works for me :)
Just to make sure, you have the most recent version of WeakAuras ( right? This wasn’t a feature until that release version.
If you do have and \n is completely refusing to work for you, please make sure you report it to the WeakAuras authors, so they can try and figure out what is going on. https://www.wowace.com/projects/weakauras-2/issues
Thanks and sorry it’s acting weird for you.
Ah! I use WowMatrix to control my updates because Curse does not support Macs. WowMatrix tends to be a little behind in updates and has not yet arrived.
I have downloaded the new version of WeakAuras from Curse and will install manually and test it tonight when I get home.
My fault for not checking for a WA update in Curse.
Thanks for the quick response and a great program. As I said before, I now only use this Add-on setup for my Hunter, it is so intuitive, that makes it awesome!.
Upgrading to fixed it. Sorry to have bothered you.
I use a Mac and the newline does not work. What I see is 1\nREADY
I will see if I can determine what will work for a Mac.
Found a possible error in the new BM Abilities
Both Dire Beast Ready and Dire Frenzy Ready have %s\nREADY.
I believe this should just be READY?
Hi Andy,
That is an intended change to display how many charges of Dire Beast/Dire Frenzy you have. This will show 1 for almost everyone, but if you have The Mantle of Command legendary it will be more useful. You can remove the %s\n (%s = stacks, \n = new line) if you don’t want it.
I think you must be good luck. After asking if I had The Mantle of Legendary Command – it dropped in a daily dungeon for me.
Now I can see the charges have increased to 2. Thank you.
Congrats! It’s a lot of fun. :D