WeakAuras for demon hunters for patch 7.0 and Legion.
- They will only load on demon hunters and in the appropriate specs.
- They are all disabled while in vehicles.
- Extra media used through SharedMedia:
- Font: Tw Cent MT Bold (Added via MyMedia, Read “INSTRUCTIONS for MyMedia.txt”)
- Bar texture: BantoBar

2016/08/09 – WeakAuras2 Version – Beta 7.0.3
- Created post with initial exports.
How To
Havoc Abilities
- Fury of the Illidari (Artifact Weapon)
- Eye Beam
- Metamorphosis
- Fel Rush
- Felblade (Talent)
- Throw Glaive
- Fel Eruption / Nemesis (Talent)
- Chaos Blades / Fel Barrage (Talent)
Active Buffs
These are tracking auras for procs that give you buffs or timers for abilities that you activate.
They are shifted to the right because they pair up with WeakAuras 2: Exports for All Classes and Engineers.
- Bloodlet target debuff (Havoc-Talent)
- Blade Dance (Havoc)
- Momentum (Havoc-Talent)
- Chaos Blades (Havoc-Talent)
- Nemesis target debuff (Havoc-Talent)
- Metamorphosis
- Demon Soul
- Spectral Sight
- Glide
- Blur / Netherwalk (Havoc, Havoc-Talent)
- Darkness
Fury Use
- Demon’s Bite (Havoc) – Below 80 fury
- Fury bar
- Chaos Strike (Havoc) – Above 80 fury
- Consume Magic – Usable to interrupt and the target is casting an interruptable spell
i am having problems with the icons, the don’t show, it just shows black box.not sure why
Hi eden,
Do you have any addons like Masque to reskin your interface?