WeakAuras for hunters updated for Shadowlands and patch 9.0!
Collection on Wago.io: https://wago.io/AmiYuy-HunterCollection
- They will only load on hunters and in the appropriate specs.
- These auras are localized and will work for all languages!
- Extra media used through SharedMedia:
- Font: Tw Cent MT Bold (From an old Office install or an old install of SharedMedia) – Added via MyMedia, Read “INSTRUCTIONS for MyMedia.txt”
- Bar texture: BantoBar

2020/11/22 – WeakAuras2 Version 3.1.2 – Live 9.0.2
- Fixes for changes in WeakAuras.
- Updates for 9.0 – detailed changelogs on Wago.io.
How To
Beast Mastery Abilities
- Kill Shot
- Bestial Wrath
- Aspect of the Wild
- Barbed Shot – Glows at 2 stacks and when 2.5 seconds left on Frenzy buff. Smaller glow at 2.5 with bigger glow at 1 second.
- Barbed Shot Frenzy Stack Progress – Progress bar behind Barbed Shot that helps you keep up the Frenzy pet buff for as long as possible. Cast Barbed Shot when it is almost empty to refresh the buff.
- Kill Command – Glows when you have the Killer Cobra talent and Kill Command is usable during Bestial Wrath.
- Dire Beast (Talent)
- Chimaera Shot (Talent)
- A Murder of Crows (Talent)
- Barrage / Stampede (Talent)
- Bloodshed (Talent)
See Focus Use for Cobra Shot.
(GIF is from BFA, but still gives you a general idea.)
Marksman Abilities
Marksman has not yet been updated for the 9.0 class changes other than adding Kill Shot.
- Kill Shot
- Rapid Fire
- Trueshot – Shows when 1 charges of Aimed Shot available.
- Barrage / Double Tap (Talent)
- Aimed Shot – Glows at 2 charges available and turns red and glows when Lock and Load proc available.
- Explosive Shot (Talent)
- Serpent Sting / A Murder of Crows (Talent)
- Piercing Shot (Talent)
See Focus Use for Steady Shot and Arcane Shot.
Survival Abilities
- Kill Shot
- Coordinated Assault
- Kill Command – Glows at 2 charges and when Pheromone Bomb debuff active.
- Serpent Sting – Glows when the talent Viper’s Venom buff is active.
- Mongoose Bite (Talent) – Glows when Shrapnel Bomb debuff is active.
- Mongoose Fury progress bar – Progress bar behind Mongoose Bite that helps you keep track of the remaining stacks and time on the buff.
- Flanking Strike (Talent) – Below 50 focus.
- Wildfire Bomb – Glows at 2 charges. Will not show up if Wildfire Bomb debuff already on target.
- Wildfire Infusion (Talent) – Prediction icons around the bomb aura.
- Steel Trap / A Murder of Crows (Talent)
- Chakrams (Talent)
See Focus Use for Raptor Strike.
Focus Use
Beast Mastery
- Cobra Shot – Above 90 focus.
- Cobra Shot with Killer Cobra talent – Glows during Bestial Wrath when Kill Command is not ready and you have the Killer Cobra talent.
- Steady Shot – Below 60 focus.
- Arcane Shot/Chimaera Shot – Above 60 focus.
- Arcane Shot/Chimaera Shot with Precise Shots buff and/or Master Marksman (Talent) buffs – Arcane Shot glows when you have Precise Shots and/or Master Marksman buffs.
- Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite – Above 30 focus. Glows when Shrapnel Bomb debuff is on target.
- Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite during Coordinated Assault with Birds of Prey talent – Glows when above 15 focus while Coordinated Assault buff is active and Birds of Prey talent is taken.
- Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite use Tip of the Spear (Talent) – Glows when you have 3 stacks of Tip of the Spear.
Beast Mastery, Marksman, and Survival
- Focus bar
- Heal Pet – Flashes when pet is under 80% health and Mend Pet is not active.
- Pet Dead – Plays Wilhelm Scream if pet dies.
- No Pet (Beast Mastery/Survival)
- Counter Shot (Beast Mastery/Marksman) – Usable to interrupt and the target is casting an interruptible spell.
- Muzzle (Survival) – Usable to interrupt and the target is casting an interruptible spell.
- Tranquilizing Shot – Usable to remove a buff from the target.
Active Buffs
These are tracking auras for procs that give you buffs or timers for abilities that you activate.
They are shifted to the right because they pair up with Exports for All Classes and Engineers.
Active Buffs
Beast Mastery
- Beast Cleave
- Barbed Shot‘s Frenzy pet buff
- Barbed Shot target debuff
- Thrill of the Hunt (Talent)
- Bestial Wrath
- Aspect of the Wild
- Bloodshed target debuff (Talent)
- Dire Beast (Talent)
- Stampede (Talent)
- Trueshot
- Precise Shots
- Trick Shots
- Binding Shackles target debuff (Talent)
- Master Marksman target debuff (Talent)
- Steady Focus (Talent)
- Double Tap (Talent)
- Lock and Load (Talent)
- Rapid Fire
- Serpent Sting
- A Murder of Crows
- Mongoose Fury (Talent)
- Serpent Sting debuff
- Coordinated Assault
- Aspect of the Eagle
- Viper’s Venom (Talent)
- Tip of the Spear (Talent)
- Wildfire Infusion – Shrapnel Bomb debuff (Talent)
- Wildfire Infusion – Shrapnel Bomb Internal Bleeding debuff (Talent)
- Wildfire Infusion – Volatile Bomb debuff (Talent)
- Wildfire Infusion – Pheromone Bomb debuff (Talent)
- Wildfire Bomb debuff
- Bloodseeker’s Kill Command debuff (Talent)
- Bloodseeker’s Predator buff (Talent)
- Steel Trap debuff (Talent)
- Wing Clip debuff
- Terms of Engagement (Talent)
Beast Mastery and Survival
- A Murder of Crows debuff (Talent)
- Intimidation target debuff
Beast Mastery, Marksman, and Survival
- Misdirection
- Survival of the Fittest pet/Lone Wolf ability
- Master’s Call pet ability
- Primal Rage pet ability
- Mend Pet
- Aspect of the Cheetah
- Aspect of the Chameleon
- Aspect of the Turtle
- Binding Shot
- Hunter’s Mark target debuff
- Posthaste (Talent)
- Camouflage (Talent)
- Eyes of the Beast
- Eagle Eye