Legion Alpha: Demon Hunter Videos Demon Hunter emotes, double jump, and character creation from Legion Alpha. Continue reading
Warcraft Movie Costumes from Blizzcon 2014 Lothar’s Battle Armor and Durotan’s Wolf Cloak were on display outside the Warcraft Movie teaser display room. I tried to… Continue reading
WeakAuras 2: Exports for All Classes and Engineers patch 6.0 Here are auras for All Classes and Engineers for patch 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, and Warlords of Draenor. There are three… Continue reading
Goodbye Pandaria – Vale of Eternal Blossoms Panorama Expansion release week is here and soon we will be spending all of our time in Draenor. I thought I’d… Continue reading
Hallow’s End in Destroyed Theramore Floating decorations, falling children, and displaced NPCs greet players as they go to gather the Theramore candy bucket. If they… Continue reading
The New Dark Portal in Draenor Seen here from the other side, the new Dark Portal is red, blue, and swirling with fel energies. While we… Continue reading
WeakAuras 2: Exports for Shamans patch 6.0 Here are auras for Shamans for patch 6.0 and Warlords of Draenor. There are three sets of abilities, one for… Continue reading
Warlords of Draenor: New Model Videos Included here are videos of all new models released as of October 6, 2014 and 6.0.2 (18988)(Beta x64). They were… Continue reading
The New Dark Portal Patch 6.0.2 dropped this week and with it came the pre-event for the Warlords of Draenor expansion. The Dark Portal… Continue reading
WeakAuras 2: Exports for Hunters patch 6.0 LEGION UPDATE 2016/05/13 – See the Legion and 7.0 version: WeakAuras 2: Exports for Hunters – Legion & 7.0 Here are my… Continue reading