My husband and I love cloth fantasy maps. We have a Middle Earth foil poster framed, multiple Everquest cloth maps, and a few others. Among these are the World of Warcraft Collector’s Edition cloth map and the mouse pads from Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. After scouring the internet however, I could not find a WoW map for sale anywhere, so I decided to make one that we could turn into a large cloth map.
I didn’t just want the default version of Azeroth though, I wanted the zones to have their textures. That meant finding high quality versions of those. This search led me to the Scrolls of Lore forums and two threads in particular: World of Azeroth and Azeroth as of MoP by Leviathon. Unfortunately the source images are no longer displaying there.
Pulling his composite into Photoshop, I took my own screenshot of the Azeroth map and found a program to up-rez (cleanly enlarge) the map to serve as the background.
Contents [show]
Photoshop Magic

Printed at Spoonflower
- Silky Faille
- 1 yards (54″ x 36″)
- Basic repeat
TheMentelgen on reddit printed it out and hung it and shared his results: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/3hhj7a/i_made_an_irl_map_of_azeroth/
A few other users have privately messaged me and shared that they got it printed and enjoyed the results. One had it done on paper and the color and detail is very sharp.
(I don’t see any noticeable difference between the 67 and 31 MB versions, but some printers won’t accept the higher size file. The files are in the sRGB colorspace.)
- [Map] Pandaria Composite Map by galdroth
- Azeroth as of MoP by Leviathon
- World of Azeroth by Leviathon
- Game screenshots (Tol Barad, Kezan, Lost Isles, Deepholm, Overall background)
Originally shared on reddit on August 4, 2015.
Map updated on November 20, 2015 to include Isle of Thunder, Isle of Giants, and Timeless Isle along with an adjustment of The Lost Isles and Kezan further north and west to be more accurate (closer to Azshara and the Maelstrom).
Awaiting for a Legion version of it. :)